Sobujbon – Kolkata’s Weekend Getaway Spot in Nature

West Bengal Tourism Destination for Leisure Travels – Sobujbon Eco Resort

If you are also like me who spends the entire year looking for top travel destinations just for this season, come aboard. I think we can plan an outing together. If you are looking for a weekend getaway destination from Kolkata, then I have a fantastic location in my mind, Sobujbon Resorts near Shantiniketan

Sobujbon - Kolkata's Weekend Getaway Spot in Nature

Looking for Eco Resorts near Kolkata?

Step away from the hustle and bustle of the city for a few days and get your soul rejuvenated once more. Tucked away from the chaotic city of Kolkata, Bolpur is a town to look out for. It has an aroma of peace and tranquillity among the commotion of a small town, in the air. Take a train from Howrah Station, one of the three railway stations serving the magnanimous city of Kolkata, and reach Bolpur within 4-5 hours.

An ornately designed Shantiniketan railway station with Terracotta installations will welcome you with its open arms. Strike a deal with the taxi players waiting outside, please mind to pay nothing more than Rs. 300/- and you will get the entire car for your ride. Now, just sit back and enjoy the leisure weekend getaway because you are going to enjoy the next few days entirely in the lap of nature with limited access to GPRS and D2H at Sabujbon Resort, Shantiniketan!!

Sobujbon - Kolkata's Weekend Getaway Spot in Nature

While you are there, soak in the fresh air of Bengal countrysides as much as you can. If you are an early riser, you may find a company in the waddling ducks during your usual morning walks. From the resort, you can see the nearby village where people are pretty friendly and if you manage to strike a conversation, they will let you in their lives and tell you everything about the place.

Sobujbon - Kolkata's Weekend Getaway Spot in Nature

The Sobujbon Eco Resort has a number of pukurs or ponds inside the premises.  Around 20% of the entire area is covered by water bodies! Each of them are well maintained and are filled with a local riverine variety of fishes.

If you into fishing then you might carry your rods with you. What you catch will be served hot to you!

West Bengal Tourism - Resorts near Kolkata - Sobujbon

Keeping in sync with nature, the Sobujbon Resort has been beautifully decorated using whatever available there. For instance, a piece of dead log was carved up into a piece of art. Similarly, the entire premises has been aesthetically modified by building upon what was already there!

Sobujbon - Kolkata's Weekend Getaway Spot in Nature

Once the sun sets, you are surrounded by the mind numbing peace which in the beginning can be quite unsettling.

If you are like us, jostling through busier city lives filled with chaos and commotion, such quite ambience might make you a bit puzzled. It’s not every day that you get to hear crickets chirping instead of blaring horns of vehicles and jarring noises of the city!

West Bengal Tourism - Resorts near Kolkata - Sobujbon

Stay and Food at the Sobuj Bon Eco Resort at Shantiniketan:

Throughout your stay, you do not have to worry about clean linen and housekeeping, because it is very well taken care of by their trained and efficient staff. They have a common dining space next to their kitchen, at the centre of their resort. Here, they serve fresh and hot food straight out of the oven! The food here comes cheap and in just a few dollars you can have a sumptuous meal!

West Bengal Tourism - Resorts near Kolkata - Sobujbon Resort Shantiniketan
Common Dining Space

Below is the washbasin which is a modified piece of log whose inside has been carved out. With a couple of attachments and fittings, this is a perfectly functioning basin. Ingenious, right?

Sobujbon - Kolkata's Weekend Getaway Spot in Nature

Once a part of the wilderness, these ruins of the temples are now a part of the Sobujbon Resort. As you walk around the place you will stumble upon these remains and what makes you happy is that these have been allowed to let be and add charm to this place.

West Bengal Tourism - Resorts near Kolkata - Sobujbon

Related Read – Did you know we took a road trip from Delhi to Kolkata? We have complete details of how to plan a road trip here. Check it out here.

West Bengal Tourism - Resorts near Kolkata - Sobujbon

Top things to do when you are on an outing!

While you might have been craving for an outing since eternity! But often it happens that we find ourselves at a loss when we are actually away from our otherwise mundane life.

I believe we can always make our family vacations interesting with some of the following options:

  1. STOP TRYING TO LOCATE THOSE MOBILE TOWERS IN YOUR CELL PHONES. Yes, you heard it right. Just junk those office calls and e-mails for a few days. Let your mind recuperate for some time. It is easy doing all those things at a time, for such a long time. Even our brain gets tired and needs a complete shut-off.
  2. GET THE CAMERAS OUT! Take up photography. Capture the beauty around you. Not just scenic, but also capture the candid moments which would make this trip memorable in the coming years. You might have always wanted to take up photography as your hobby, this is the time. Make the most of it!
  3. PLAY CARD GAMES. Remember Uno? We all have suffered from the nasty +4 card at some of the other time. Or, get the Monopoly out from the attic. Simple Rummy should also be fun when you are spending an exclusive time with your family.
  4. START A NEW HOBBY. Well, I know this sounds weird, but yes, this can be possible. Go around collecting leaves and keep each of them separately in a book. Leave them to dry. Don’t forget to get their names while you are hunting for them, otherwise, you would have to google for them later. If you are on a beach, pick varieties of pebbles and shells. Get on with some DIY projects and showcase them as your trip memorabilia.
  5. GET NOSTALGIC. Recollect your childhood stories when you would spend such family trips with your parents. This would make your kids feel connected to you. Catch up on all the lost times during the past year when everyone has been too busy to sit around with each other and share what’s happening in their lives.
West Bengal Tourism - Shantiniketan Kontai River Bolpur


Where to find Sobujbon Resort:

Plan a last-minute travel escapade to Sobujbon resort, near Shantiniketan. You can ask anyone around at the Shantiniketan railway station and they will guide you through.

How to reach SobujBon Resort:

While there are numerous options to get to Bolpur, train services are very quick and cost-effective. You may check out the train schedule online. You may also reach there by road. Rent a cab and follow the GPS system.

📌 Pin Sobujbon Eco Resort, Shantiniketan for later!

West Bengal Tourism - Resorts near Kolkata - Sobujbon
West Bengal Tourism - Resorts near Kolkata - Sobujbon


23 responses to “Sobujbon – Kolkata’s Weekend Getaway Spot in Nature”

  1. prakharkasera Avatar

    I have been looking for something like this for a long awaited vacation, I love rural eco resorts for my leisure trips. Another reason is that I always look for some new places where we don’t have any networks so as to cut off from the world and relax and enjoy.

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      I think you have got your next trip sorted! This is just perfect for you then, it actually helps you connect with self and the nature. Hope to see you visiting Sobujbon!

  2. yogitaamitjoshi Avatar

    Sobujon resort looks so beautiful and a perfect destination for holidays. I am surely visiting this place whenever I plan a trip to Kolkata

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      Yes, please do. It is such a relief to unwind away from the urban chaos!!

  3. Deepa Avatar

    Sobujon resort looks like a perfect holiday place near Kolkata. Loved the pictures and would like to visit it some day.

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      Hi Deepa, if you ever visit Kolkata and plan a trip to Shantiniketan, do give Sobujbona visit. You won’t regret!!

  4. Reetuparna Saha Avatar

    Shantiniketan is a popular weekend getaway for Calcuttans. I am planning as well so thanks for sharing about this resort!

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      Absolutely correct, people who are looking for weekend getaway destinations from Kolkata, often prefer Shantiniketan. And, Sobujbon is perfect for those who are looking for leisure stays amidst the nature.

  5. Amrit Kaur Avatar

    This place looks so beautiful to get closer to nature. It would be great spot for me for a social media detox next year.

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      A complete internet detox happens here…we just loved this place for the exact this reason!!

  6. Seema Wadhwa Avatar

    The name Sobujbon is intriguing in itself. Off lately I’ve been loving the concept of Eco resorts, and glad to know there’s one near Kolkata too. It looks like you had a great time.

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      Sobuj means Green and Bon means forest. Hence the name for the resort. They have built the place around the existing piece of natural habitat. We had a superb time with no internet, tv, mobile connectivity, etc. Actually, there are quite a few of them in and around the city. Eco-resorts are quite popular these days.

  7. mahekg Avatar

    Wow this looks totally like the place I would like to stay at. I am adding it to my bucket list and sharing with my friend who is just shifting to Kolkata soon.

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      Plan a group trip to this place with your friends ‘cox you are going to like it. Play around, catch up with each other and gossip by the bonfire, this will surely make up for a great trip.

      1. mahekg Avatar

        Thanks for the suggestion.

  8. jhilmildsaha Avatar

    Wow such a beautiful resort it is. It would be a fascinating experience to take a weekend off and visit there with family. I am bookmarking it for my next trip to my native.

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      Bengal countryside has its own charm, and this place would live up to its character. Away from the city’s hustle, offering a laidback life!!

  9. Isheeria's Healing Circles Avatar

    This looks just beautiful. I like how serene it sounds and the photographs are just lovely.
    I didn’t know that we can find a place so close to nature so easily, i like that it is easy to reach.

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      This place is really amazing and very nicely connected from Kolkata. Thanks for the compliments on the photographs!

  10. Siddhi Palande aka book_gobbler Avatar

    The pointers that you have given are essential because why take a vacation if you want to be with your mobile phones right? I recently visited one such place near Mumbai and it was a wonderful experience. But comparatively this place is LIT! The temple is beautiful

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      We thought of the exact same thing for the temple. Such a hidden gem! Yea, if we are still glued to our phones, emails and work, then what’s the purpose of such vacation!!!!

  11. Ekta Chawla Avatar

    I haven’t been on a vacation since over a year.. looking at your photos I spon want to hit the dart on an adventurous get away!

    1. speakingaloud Avatar

      GEt your bags packing! You need a break to unwind. 🙂

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Indian Food Blogger Priyanka Bhattacharya

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