Easy Homemade Chicken Momo

This homemade Chicken Momo is one of our favorite chicken dinner recipes and we enjoy it in several ways. While steamed chicken dumplings are our first love, we thoroughly enjoy them as pan-fried momo in a spicy sauce. I usually make a large batch of momos and freeze half of them for later. When running low on time or energy, I love to drop these frozen chicken dumplings in a pot of boiling soup and serve it as a wholesome meal.

One of the top reasons to make this easy chicken momo is that you get homemade dumplings with ample chicken momo filling stuffed inside. You know exactly what goes into your dish and you get to serve healthy and preservative-free food to your family.

Pan-fried Chicken Momo served with spicy Momo dipping sauce

Chicken Momo as a Diet-Friendly Meal option

Homemade chicken momo offers the flexibility to control the ingredients to make it healthier for those who are mindful of their diet. You can easily control the quality and freshness of the ingredients along with the level of oil, salt, and other ingredients.

Let’s see how I often make chicken momo at home in a large batch that helps me put together a healthy yet cost-effective meal for my family.

Ingredients for Chicken Momo

For Chicken Momo Stuffing

  • Ground Chicken – I prefer minced chicken with a little bit of chicken fat mixed in. It helps us get juicy chicken dumplings. You may opt for leaner minced meat with less fat content as a healthier alternative
  • Finely chopped Onion – you may also use Spring Onion
  • Finely chopped Ginger and garlic – or perhaps grate them for extra flavor
  • Finely chopped fresh Coriander leaves – absolutely must add in my opinion as it adds a touch of tang and freshness to the homemade chicken momo filling
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Vinegar – an absolute mandatory ingredient in the chicken momo filling. It gives a delicious kick, perfectly rounding up the flavors. Alternate would be lemon juice if you are opposed to vinegar

For Chicken Momo wrappers

  • All-purpose Flour
  • Salt

Instructions on how to make Chicken Momo at home

  • Let’s begin with the chicken momo wrappers. Knead a tight dough of all-purpose flour with a touch of salt and normal water. Once it comes together, cover the mixing bowl with a lid and keep it aside.
  • Now, let’s make the chicken momo stuffing. Take another large mixing bowl and mix all the ingredients, like minced chicken, seasonings, finely chopped coriander leaves, and grated ginger & garlic. Add a touch of vinegar and give everything a good mix.
  • Divide the dough into smaller portions, each of the size of a ping-pong ball. Flour the rolling surface and roll each of the dough balls into thin momo wrappers.
  • Take a tablespoon of the prepared momo filling place it at the center of the momo wrapper and gather the edges together into a tightly packed dumpling.
  • Repeat this with the rest of the momo dough and the momo filling till you have a tray full of ready-to-cook momos.

Instructions to make Steamed Chicken Momo at home

  • Prepare the steamer to steam the momos. Once the water boils vigorously, place the chicken momos in there and place the lid on. Allow the momos to cook for at least 10-12 minutes.
  • You will know they are ready once the chicken momo has turned shiny and translucent.
  • Take them out of the steamer and serve hot with spicy momo dipping sauce
Pan fried Chicken Momo served with Momo dipping sauce

Instructions to make Pan-fried Chicken Momo at home

  • Take a non-stick pan and drizzle a couple of drops of oil in it. Brush it thoroughly and place the chicken momos side by side in the pan. As they sizzle drop a tablespoon of water in the pan and quickly cover it with the lid.
  • Allow it to cook for 4-5 minutes on low-medium heat. Once the bottom of the momos has turned golden and crispy, turn them over for the other sides to get the color
  • Once done, serve it hot with some delicious momo sauce

Storing instructions for Chicken Momo

Take an airtight container and place a sheet of baking paper at the bottom. Keep the chicken momos placed side by side with some gap between each. If you need to place some more on top, then place another sheet of baking paper on the first layer of momos and then keep the rest. Repeat till the height of the box permits.

Keep the box tightly packed in the freezer.

When ready to cook, take out a few from the box and thaw them completely before cooking.

Keep the unused momos back in the freezer until further needed.

Have you tried this recipe? I would love to hear about it. Please leave a comment and star rating if you loved my recipes. It would help this post to reach more readers. Thank you!

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Indian Food Blogger Priyanka Bhattacharya

Hi! I’m Priyanka!

A passionate home cook and food lover who loves nothing more than sharing my favourite recipes with the world.


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